Countess Ashmore – The new Curator / Ancient of Lore (Hearthstone The Witchwood card preview)

Hearthstone’s The Witchwood expansion reveals continue and we got to see Countess Ashmore, a new Neutral Legendary minion.

In this post, I take an in-depth look at the card and what kind of decks it could fit into.

Continue reading “Countess Ashmore – The new Curator / Ancient of Lore (Hearthstone The Witchwood card preview)”

Who would want to use Witch’s Cauldron? (Hearthstone The Witchwood card preview)

Hearthstone’s The Witchwood expansion reveals continue and we got to see Witch’s Cauldron, a new Neutral Epic minion.

In this post, I take an in-depth look at the card and what kind of decks it could fit into.

Continue reading “Who would want to use Witch’s Cauldron? (Hearthstone The Witchwood card preview)”