Getting started with streaming and Youtube

Getting started with streaming and YoutubeI have been blogging for a good while now as I started this blog in July 2011. However, while I enjoy reading and writing, I have to admit that home-created video has reached a prominent place in recent years, especially in video games, but also in a business context.

Therefore, even though I am a bit late to the party, I finally ventured into streaming and video production on low-cost basis, and I have to say that I am surprised how good the freely available tools are nowadays.

In this post, I will tell you about my setup and maybe there is a small Lean Startup lesson within as well.

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Social media in manufacturing industry: #EMO2011 & #imxevent

Social media in the manufacturing industry EMO 2011 imX 2011The two most important trade shows in the manufacturing industry in 2011, EMO Hannover 2011 and imX Las Vegas 2011, were held recently. In this post, I will examine how online and social media were utilized in these events that focus on a very traditional industry. Continue reading “Social media in manufacturing industry: #EMO2011 & #imxevent”