You can’t afford to be honest with your customers

You can't afford to be honest with your customersYou can’t afford to be honest with your customers, you will surely run out of business if you are.

If you were honest with your customers, you would have to pay penalties for delays instead of making them seem like someone else’s fault.

If you were honest with your customers, you would have to explain your poor performance to them: waste time creating reports and make useless trips to customers to explain yourselves.

If you were honest with your customers, it would hurt your brand image and make you look less reliable.

If you were honest with your customers, you would lose a lot of business.

Or would you, really?

Could it be that if you were honest with your customers, you would build stronger relationships with them?

Could it be that if you were honest with your customers, you would have an easier time discussing things with them, both good and bad?

Could it be that if you were honest with your customers, you would be able to improve your performance more easily?

Could it be that if you were honest with your customers, you would have even more business?

Could it be that if you were honest with your customers, you would also be honest with yourselves?

If there ever was a world where dishonesty was rewarded, could it be that in the increasingly networked, online, and transparent world of today, honesty is the best policy?


Photo: Honesty by thinkpublic @ Flickr (CC)

Author: Ville Kilkku

I run my own consultancy business, so if you find the ideas on this blog intriguing, contact me at or call me at +358 50 588 5043 and we can discuss how I can help you solve your business problems. I am currently based in Finland, but work globally.