The many faces of guest posts

Many faces of guest postsGuest posts are a common practice in the blogosphere, and a common marketing tool for new authors. However, there are many other uses for guest posts as well.

In this post, I will examine various types of guest posts and the benefits they offer for the post authors and the blog hosts. Continue reading “The many faces of guest posts”

The ethics and prudence of publishing paid content in blogs

Ethics and prudence of publishing paid content in blogsBloggers are influential nowadays, and where there is influence, there is money. Many bloggers want to monetize their blogs, and many marketers are happy to pay for exposure, so this looks like an ideal match.

In this post, I will examine the ways blogs are monetized and the ethical and prudential questions that arise from various forms of paid content in blogs. Continue reading “The ethics and prudence of publishing paid content in blogs”

Blogging in a foreign language

Blogging in a foreign languageIt would be ideal if all blogs were written in the author’s native language. However, in many cases that is not practical.

What if the native language of your best subject-matter expert is not spoken in your main market areas? What if you are in charge of marketing in multiple countries, each with their own language?

I have previously explored this subject in my post Translating your blog, is there a good way to do it? In that post, I concluded that blogs are not ideal material for translation, and better results could be achieved by translating articles that are based on blog posts.

Now I want to explore this subject from a slightly different point of view. Even if translation does not work, what if your awesome expert happens to speak the language you want to blog in, say English, as a foreign language? Continue reading “Blogging in a foreign language”

Social media in the manufacturing industry in Finland

Social media in the manufacturing industry in FinlandThe results of a survey on social media use in traditional industrial companies in Finland was published on 29 September 2011. The survey was carried out between April and June 2011.

So, how is social media doing in this field in Finland? Not very well, I’m afraid. Let’s examine the results in more detail. Continue reading “Social media in the manufacturing industry in Finland”

Social media in manufacturing industry: #EMO2011 & #imxevent

Social media in the manufacturing industry EMO 2011 imX 2011The two most important trade shows in the manufacturing industry in 2011, EMO Hannover 2011 and imX Las Vegas 2011, were held recently. In this post, I will examine how online and social media were utilized in these events that focus on a very traditional industry. Continue reading “Social media in manufacturing industry: #EMO2011 & #imxevent”